

    To use lexicons you should create a file named "lexicon name.inc.php" in a folder named as full language name (russian-UTF8, english etc.) or ISO 639-1 code (en, ru etc.):

    if (!defined('MODX_BASE_PATH')) {die();}
    $_lang = array();
    $_lang['key'] = 'Value.';
    return $_lang;

    Parameters to load lexicons are:

    • langDir - lexicon folder path;
    • lang - lexicon language name (the "manager_language" configuration parameter value by default) or ISO 639-1 code; ISO codes are translated to language names for bundled languages;
    • lexicon - lexicon names, comma separated. Or specify an array of values right here:
          "test":"Test lexicon value",
          "foo":"Another lexicon value",
          "bar":"And one more value"
          "foo":"Еще проверка",
          "bar":"И еще"


          "test":"Test lexicon value",
          "foo":"Another lexicon value",
          "bar":"And one more value"
          "foo":"Еще проверка",
          "bar":"И еще"

    After that you can use the [%key%] placeholders to output lexicon entries. It possible to connect external lexicons with the help of adapter class (see "assets/snippets/FormLister/lib/LexiconHandlers/EvoBabelLexiconHandler.php" file for details; adapter class name should be set in "lexiconHandler" parameter.