Mail Sending

    Sending e-mail

    Form controller allows to send form data via e-mail.

    Mailer parameters


    Allows to use form data in mail sending parameters (&to=`[]` etc.).

    Possible values - 1, 0.

    Default value - 0.


    Allows to send e-mail in html format.

    Possible values - 1, 0.

    Default value - 1.


    Receiver's address. If it's not set then the mail is not sent, but form procession is finished successfully.

    Possible values - e-mail address.

    Default value - none.


    Sender's address.

    Possible values - e-mail address.

    Default value - the "emailsender" configuration parameter value.


    Sender's name.

    Possible values - string.

    Default value - the "site_name" configuration parameter value.


    ReplyTo header.

    Possible values - e-mail address.

    Default value - none.


    Cс header.

    Possible values - e-mail address.

    Default value - none.


    Bcc header.

    Possible values - e-mail address.

    Default value - none.


    If it's set, then the mail isn't sent, but supposed to be sent successfully.

    Possible values - 1, 0.

    Default value - 0.


    If it's set, the mail is sent and supposed to be sent successfully.

    Possible values - 1, 0.

    Default value - 0.

    subject, ccSubject, autoSubject

    Letter subject.

    Possible values - string.

    Default value - none.

    subjectTpl, ccSubjectTpl, autoSubjectTpl

    Letter subject template.

    Possible values - template name, according to DocLister templating rules.

    Default value - the "subject" parameter value ("ccSubject", "autoSubject").


    Address to send additional letter.

    Possible values - e-mail address.

    Default value - none.


    The name of the additional letter sender.

    Possible values - string.

    Default value - the "site_name" configuration parameter value.


    If it's set then the receiver's address is defined by the value of form field.

    Possible values - 1, 0.

    Default value - 0.


    Field name containing e-mail address.

    Possible values - field name.

    Default value - email.


    Sender's name for the mail sent to the form field defined address.

    Possible values - string.

    Default value - none.


    Allows to redefine mail sending parameters for the letters to the address taken from the form field ((isHtml, from, fromName, subject, replyTo, cc, bcc, noemail)).

    Possible values - json or php array.

    Default value - none.


    Allows to redefine mail sending parameters for the additional letters (isHtml, from, fromName, subject, replyTo, cc, bcc, noemail).

    Possible values - json or php array.

    Default value - none.

    Submit protection


    Prevents submission of the form with the same data again.

    Possible values - 1, 0 or fields list to check if the form is unique. Required fields are used by default.

    Default value - 1.


    Prevents sending mail too often.

    Possible values - number of seconds between form submits.

    Default value - 60.



    The main template of the letter. There's the [+attachments.value+] placeholder available in reportTpl template, it contains the list of attached files. To output particular file field use the [+field name.value+] placeholder. Files are sent only in letters with reportTpl template.

    Possible values - template name, according to DocLister templating rules.

    Default value - the list of fields and their values.


    Template of the additional letter.

    Possible values - template name, according to DocLister templating rules.

    Default value - reportTpl parameter value.


    Template of the letter sent to the user defined address.

    Possible values - template name, according to DocLister templating rules.

    Default value - reportTpl parameter value.


    Success message template.

    Possible values - template name, according to DocLister templating rules.

    Default value - lexicon entry with "form.default_successTpl" key.

    Sending files


    Field names to store files. Single file fields (name="field" type="file") and multiple file fields as simple arrays (name="field[]" type="file" multiple) are supported.

    Default value - none.


    Allows to send any files.

    Possible values - array:

    "field ":{
    "field 2":[


    Allows to delete attachment files if the mail is sent successfully.

    Possible values - 0 or 1.

    Default value - 0.