
    multiTV custom template variable

    Custom Template Variabe containing a sortable multi item list or a datatable for the MODX Evolution content management framework


    With this MODX Evolution package a new template variable type is introduced. The template variable could contain a sortable multi item list or a datatable.

    The package contains a custom template variable, a snippet to show the content of the template variable, a PHx modifier, a Ditto filter extender and - for old installations - a snippet for updating the template variable content to the new format introduced with version 1.4.11.


    One example for multiTV usage could be found in Feel free to add your own examples there and create a pull request with them.

    Example Images

    Events example:

    Eventlist example

    Images example:

    Images example

    Links example (with editing layer):

    Images example Images example

    Part 1: custom template variable


    With this code a MODX Evo template variable could contain a sortable multi item list or a datatable


    1. Upload the folder assets/tvs/multitv in the corresponding folder in your installation.
    2. Create a new template variable with imput type custom input (if you name this template variable multidemo it will use the multidemo config file)
    3. Insert the following code into the input option values
    4. If you want to modify the multiTV with ManagerManager before MODX version 1.0.9 you have to patch the file and insert
      case 'custom_tv':

      in line 136 just before the line

      $t = 'textarea';

      (Note 4)

    5. If you want to use multiTV with YAMS you have to patch according to the instructions on
    6. If you are updating from 1.4.10 and below you could install the updateTV snippet (see part 4) and modify the data in your multiTVs to the new format. Since the custom tv and the snippet code supports the old and new format, this is only nessesary, if you want to add/remove columns in your multiTVs or if you want to sort the output by a column.
    7. If you want to use PHx with multiTV you have to modify the PHx plugin code a bit:
    if (!class_exists('PHxParser')) {
        include MODX_BASE_PATH . "assets/plugins/phx/";
    $e = &$modx->Event;
    switch($e->name) {
        case 'OnParseDocument':
            $PHx = new PHxParser($phxdebug,$phxmaxpass);


    All options for a custom template variable are set in a config file in the folder configs with the same name as the template variable (otherwise the default config is used) and as extension

    The display of the input fields in the multi field list could be set in $settings['display'] to horizontal (events example), vertical (images example), datatable (links or multicontent example) or single. A multiTV with single display configuration contains only one list element.

    The input fields of one list element could be defined in $settings['fields']. This variable contains an array of fieldnames and each fieldname contains an array of field properties.

    Property Description Default
    caption caption (horizontal) or label (vertical) for the input -
    type type of the input (could be set to all MODX input types - without url and richtext - and thumb for thumbnail display of image tvs - see images config for thumb) text
    elements could be set according to the input option values of a normal MODX template variable i.e. for a dropdown with all documents in the MODX root: @SELECT `pagetitle`, `id` FROM `modx_site_content` WHERE parent = 0 ORDER BY `menuindex` ASC -
    default default value for the input. This value could contain calculated parts. There are two placeholders available: {i} contains an autoincremented index, {alias} contains the alias of the edited document. -
    thumbof name of an image input. a thumbnail of the selected image will be rendered into this area -
    width the width of the input (only used if the display of the list element is horizontal). В 1.8 версии также доступен для horizontal ориентации 100
    font-weight возможность задать жирность шрифта (доступно в 1.8).Варианты: bold,bolder,lighter,normal,100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900 -
    • Supported MODX input types: text, rawtext, email, number, textareamini, textarea, rawtextarea, htmlarea, date, dropdown, listbox, listbox-multiple, checkbox, option, image, file

    In datatable mode a layer will be displayed during adding/editing one row (Note 5). In the editing layer the MODX input type richtext is possible.

    In datatable mode the columns for the datatable could be defined in $settings['columns']. This variable contains an array of column settings. Each column setting contains an array of properties. If a property is not set, the field property in $settings['fields'] is used.

    Property Description Default
    fieldname (required) fieldname that is displayed in this column -
    caption the caption of the column caption for this field in $settings['fields']
    width the width of the column width for this field in $settings['fields']
    render the column will be rendered with this PHx capable string -

    In datatable mode the content of the editing layer could be defined in $settings['form']. This variable contains an array of form tab settings. Each form tab setting contains an array of field properties in the value of the content key. If a field property is not set, the field property in $settings['fields'] is used.

    Property Description Default
    caption caption for the input caption for this field in $settings['fields']

    The default output templates for the snippet could be defined in $settings['templates'].

    Property Description Default
    rowTpl default row template chunk for the snippet output. Could be changed in snippet call. See snippet description for placeholders -
    outerTpl default outer template chunk for the snippet output. Could be changed in snippet call. See snippet description for placeholders -

    The other configurations for one multiTV could be defined in $settings['configuration']

    Property Description Default
    enablePaste The multiTV could contain paste table data link that displays a paste box. In this box you could paste Word/HTML table clipboard data, Google Docs table clipboard data and csv data. TRUE
    enableClear The multiTV could contain clear all link that clears the content of the multiTV TRUE
    csvseparator column separator for csv clipboard table data. The csv clipboard table data should contain a new line for each row. ,
    radioTabs The tabs in the datatable editing layer are displayed as radio buttons. The button state is saved in the field fieldTab. FALSE
    sorting Enable sorting by column header in datatable mode. Row reordering by drag & drop will be disabled. FALSE

    See the multidemo config for all usable vertical settings and the multicontent config for all usable datatable settings.

    Part 2: multiTV Snippet


    Create a new snippet called multiTV with the following snippet code

    return include(MODX_BASE_PATH.'assets/tvs/multitv/multitv.snippet.php');


    Call the snippet like this (most expample parameters are using the default values in this example call and could be removed from the call – parameter tvName is required)

    &rowTpl=`@CODE:<li>((event)), ((location)), ((price))</li>`


    Name Description Default value
    tvName (required) name of the template variable that contains the multiTV (the column names of the mulitTV are received from the config file) -
    docid document id where the custom tv is retreived from (i.e. if the multiTV Snippet is called in a Ditto template) current document id
    tplConfig array key in the config file that contains the output templates configuration (will be prefixed with templates) ''
    outerTpl outer template: chunkname, filename (value starts with @FILE) or code (value starts with @CODE - placeholders have to be masked by (( and )). (Note 3) @CODE:<select name="$tvName">[+wrapper+]</select> or custom template in template variable config file
    rowTpl row template: chunkname, filename (value starts with @FILE) or code (value starts with @CODE - placeholders have to be masked by (( and )). (Note 3) @CODE:<option value="[+value+]">[+key+]</option> or custom template in template variable config file
    display count of rows that are displayed, all for all rows 5
    offset count of rows from start that are not displayed 0
    rows comma separated list of row numbers (or all rows) that should be displayed all
    randomize random order of displayed rows (disables reverse and orderBy parameter) 0
    reverse reverse order of displayed rows (disables orderBy parameter) 0
    orderBy column name, column order type and order direction to sort the output (format: name:type direction – type could be text or date, defaults to text – direction defaults to asc) -
    toPlaceholder the snippet output is assigned to a placeholder named as the parameter value (i.e. [+myPlaceholder+]), single items are assigned to placeholders named as the parameter value followed by the row number (i.e. [+myPlaceholder.1+]). Normal snippet output is suppressed. (Note 2) -
    toJson the snippet output contains the json encoded result of the multitv snippet call. Useful to retreive the multiTV results other snippets by runSnippet 0
    published display only multiTVs of published (1), unpublished (0) or both (2) kind of documents 1
    emptyOutput return empty string if the multiTV is empty, otherwise return outer template 1
    outputSeparator string inserted between two row templates empty
    firstClass content of row.class placeholder in the first row first
    lastClass content of row.class placeholder in the last row last
    evenClass content of row.class placeholder in an even row -
    oddClass content of row.class placeholder in an odd row -
    paginate show pagination 0
    offsetKey pagination offset parameter key page
    iterationStart Initial value of placeholder [+iteration+] 1

    The default templates for outer template and row template could be defined in the config file for the custom template variable. These custom definitions could be overwritten by rowTpl and outerTpl in snippet call. Both template chunks are parsed by PHx (chunkie class).

    Placeholder rowTpl:

    Name Description
    "fieldname" each fieldname defined in config file could be used
    iteration contains the iteration of the current multiTV element
    row.number contains the row number of the current multiTV element
    row.class firstClass parameter setting for first displayed row, lastClass parameter setting for last displayed row, evenClass/oddClass parameter setting for even/odd rows. contains the count of all displayable rows
    docid value of docid parameter or current document id

    Placeholder outerTpl:

    Name Description
    wrapper contains the output of all rows
    rows.offset contains the count of rows from start that are not displayed contains the count of all displayable rows
    docid value of docid parameter or current document id
    pagination contains the pagination (if parameter pagination is enabled)

    Part 3: PHx modifier

    Since the JSON string in multiTV starts with [[ and ends with ]] (Note 1), you can't check if the multiTV is empty by i.e. [*multittvname:ne=``:then=`not empty`*].

    But you could to use the PHx modifier in the folder phx-modifier in that case. Move the two files to assets/plugins/phx/modifiers and call it like this [+phx:multitvisempty=`tvname|docid`:then=`xxx`:else=`yyy`+] or like this [+phx:multitvisnotempty=`tvname|docid`:then=`xxx`:else=`yyy`+]. If the docid is not set it defaults to current document.

    Part 4: Ditto multitv filter extender

    If you want to filter displayed Ditto rows by the values of multiTV field content, you could use the Ditto multitv filter extender. As all other Ditto filters it filters the row away if the condition is true.

    The extender uses the following parameters

    Name Description
    multiTvFilterBy multiTV name to filter by (required)
    multiTvFilterOptions (Array of) json encoded object(s) of filter options

    The following filter options could be used

    Name Description
    name mulitTV field name that is used for filtering
    type Type of the multiTV field content (possible content: date, text)
    value The value the multiTV field content is filtered with
    mode Mode for filtering the multiTV field content
    conjunction Logical conjunction with the previous filter result (AND/OR)

    The following modes could be used for text type:

    Name Description
    contains filtered if one value contains filterValue
    allcontains filtered if all values containing filterValue
    containsnot filtered if one value not contains filterValue
    allcontainsnot filtered if all values not containing filterValue
    is filtered if one value is filterValue
    allis filtered if all values are filterValue
    isnot filtered if one value is not filterValue
    allisnot filtered if all values are not filterValue

    The following modes could be used for date type:

    Name Description
    before filtered if one value is before filterValue
    beforeall filtered if all values are before filterValue
    equal filtered if one value is equal filterValue
    equalall filtered if all values are equal filterValue
    after filtered if one value is after filterValue
    afterall filtered if one value is after filterValue


    The following example displays all documents within containers 3, 4, and 5 where the multiTV event values in column title not containing Important in any multiTV row.

    &extenders=`@FILE assets/tvs/multitv/dittoExtender/`

    If you want to filter Ditto by several multiTV values, you ave to append an option object to the multiTvFilterOptions. The next example will display all documents within containers 3, 4, and 5 where the multiTV event values in column title not containing Important and column location is Outdoor in any multiTV row.

    &extenders=`@FILE assets/tvs/multitv/dittoExtender/`

    Part 5: updateTV Snippet


    Create a new snippet called updateTV with the following snippet code

    return include(MODX_BASE_PATH.'assets/tvs/multitv/updatetv.snippet.php');


    Version 1.4.11 of multiTV uses a new data format (the column names are saved as key with each value). The custom tv and the snippet code supports the old and new format, so you don't have to update your multiTVs. It is only nessesary, if you want to add/remove columns in your multiTVs. Call the snippet on one (temporary) MODX document like this:



    Name Description Default value
    tvNames (required) comma separated list of template variable names that contain multiTV data -


    multiTV is totally free and comes with no warranty or support. I give basic support on github tracker and like to receive suggestions for enhancements there.

    I work on new features and bug fixes in my spare time (and if one of my clients needs a special feature). So maybe a bugfix or an answer could take some time and unfortunately some enhancement wishes won't get addressed.

    If multiTV is useful for you, I’d like to hear about that as well. Donations for multiTV are appreciated. Please feel free to donate any amount that that you like to give for your multiTV usage.

    multiTV is free because I have fun working on it and because I don't have the resources to properly support it. If you decide to make a donation, I thank you very much. But please remember that I'm not able to extend my support for multiTV beyond the level I have done in the past.


    If you urgently need an addition to multiTV code, you could hire me for that work for sure. My email address could be found on my github page


    1. The JSON string the multitv is converted to starts with [[ and ends with ]] so the MODX parser thinks it contains a snippet and you can't place the template variable directly in the template.
    2. If the snippet output is assigned to placeholder and PHx is installed, the page should be set to uncached and the Snippet should be called cached. Otherwise PHx will 'steal' the placeholders before the Snippet could fill them.
    3. MODX does not like =, ? and & in snippet parameters. If the template code has to use those signs, put the template code in a chunk or change the default templates in the config file.
    4. ManagerManager expects a custom tv field to be an input tag. Because of single and double quote issues the field containing the multiTV value is a textarea.
    5. If the multiTV does not save in datatable mode please check the magic_quotes_gpc setting of your server