Data preparation

    Often there is a need for additional data processing before output. For this purpose, prepare and prepareWrap are available as settings in the configuration file or as snippet parameters.

    The value can be a snippet name, a function name (also in the configuration file you can specify the Closure), or a comma-separated list, or an array of them.

    The parameters of the function/snippet following:

    Parameter Description
    $data Current values
    $modx Instance of the DocumentParser class
    $_multiTV Instance of the multiTV class, to work with storage methods

    The function/snippet should always return values, even if they have not changed.


    // in configuration file:
    function prepareRowsFunction($data, $modx, $_multiTV) {
       return $data;
    $settings['prepare'] = 'prepareRowsSnippet';
    // or
    $settings['prepare'] = function($data, $modx, $_multiTV) {
       return $data;
    // or
    $settings['prepare'] = 'prepareRowsSnippet,prepareRowsFunction'; 
    // or
    $settings['prepare'] = ['prepareRowsSnippet', 'prepareRowsFunction']; 
    // or
    $settings['prepare'] = ['prepareRowsSnippet', function($data, $modx, $_multiTV) {
       return $data;
    // in tempalte
    [[multiTV? &tvName=`test` &prepare=`prepareRowsSnippet,prepareRowsFunction`]]

    Values of the $data parameter of the prepare function, in addition to the field values specified in the variable configuration, will be as follows:

    Key Description
    docid Current document ID
    iteration Current iteration Number (starts with 1)
    row row.number - current iteration Number (starts with 1), - total number of elements

    Values of the $data parameter for prepareWrap:

    Key Description
    docid Current document ID
    wrapper Array of rendered elements
    rows rows.offset - number of skipped items, - total number of elements


    $settings['prepare'] = function($data, $modx, $_multiTV) {
       $store = $_multiTV->getStore('storekey');
       if (is_null($store)) {
          $store = $modx->runSnippet('HeavySnippet');
          $_multiTV->setStore('storekey', $store);
       return $data;
    $settings['prepare'] = function($data, $modx, $_multiTV) {
       if (!empty($data['file'])) {
          $extension = pathinfo($data['file'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
          $data['icon'] = 'icon-document-' . $extension;
       return $data;