

    This is a user-contributed Extra. If you find issues or would like more info or help, please contact the author.

    YAMS Configuration Options

    The following tables document the options available for configuring YAMS.

    1. Multilingual Aliases

    Name : Uniqueness of Multilingual Aliases

    Choices / Example : Not Unique / Unique

    Description : Whether or not multilingual aliases (if they activated) will be unique. If you are intending to switch on multilingual alias functionality then this parameter should be set beforehand.

    Under normal circumstances aliases are considered to be non-unique. In that case YAMS must be able to identify the language of the current page from the server and root names alone. However, by respecting certain rules it is possible for YAMS to be able to identify the language of a page from the alias alone.

    In that case it is possible to use the same server and root name for different (or all) languages. If you wish to take advantage of this then here are the conditions that must be adhered to:

    • If using friendly alias paths then, for each document, all language variants of all its children must be given given unique aliases.

    • If not using friendly alias paths, then all aliases of all language variants of all documents must be made unique.

      If unique multilingual aliases are used, then the default alias will be set to the document variable alias for the default language variant and _langId_-_documentAlias_ for the other language variants.

      If unique multilingual aliases are not used, then when switching on multilingual alias mode the default values for multilingual aliases will be the document variable alias.

    Name : Use Multilingual Aliases?

    Choices / Example : Yes / No

    Description : Whether or not to manage multilingual aliases. (Each language variant of a multilingual document may have its own alias.)

    2. URL Redirection Settings

    Name : Redirection Mode

    Choices / Example :

    • None
    • Default
    • Current
    • Current else Browser
    • Browser

    Description : Controls redirection when a page request is not associated with a valid multilingual URL. Prior to making a page multilingual page it may have been situated at the site root. For example: http://www.example.com/example.html

    However, as a multilingual page it may now be located at


    where the server name and root name are language dependent. The available options are:

    • None: Don't redirect. Show the content at the given URL using the current language. (This setting is not advised. It means duplicate content, which search engines don't like.)

    • Default: Redirect to the correct URL for the default language.

    • Current: Redirect to the correct URL for the current language, whatever that happens to be. (Will be the language of the last multilingual page if they have previously visited one, or the default language.)

    • Current else Browser: Redirect to the correct URL for the current language, whatever that happens to be. (Will be the language of the last multilingual page if they have previously visited one, else it will be determined from the browser settings, else the default language.)

    • Browser: Choose the language based on the Accept-Language request header. If a suitable language doesn't exist then use default language. Redirect to the correct URL for the language.

    Name : Status Code for Redirection to Pages in the Default Language

    Choices / Example :

    • multiple choices (300)
    • permanent (301)
    • found (302)
    • see other (303)
    • temporary (307)

    Description : The HTTP status code to use when performing the redirection described above to pages in the default language. Choose temporary if just experimenting with YAMS. Once certain, this can be switched to permanent.

    Name : Status Code for Redirection to Pages in Non-Default Languages

    Choices / Example :

    • multiple choices (300)
    • permanent (301)
    • found (302)
    • see other (303)
    • temporary (307)

    Description : The HTTP status code to use when performing the redirection described above to pages in non-default languages. I suggest See other (303), since "the new URI is not a substitute reference for the originally requested resource.".

    Name : Status Code for Change of Language

    Choices / Exmaple :

    • multiple choices (300)
    • permanent (301)
    • found (302)
    • see other (303)
    • temporary (307)

    Description : The HTTP status code to use when performing a redirection in response to a request for the same page in a different language.

    Name : Evo URLs

    Choices / Example : a comma separated list of document ids

    Description : Under normal circumstances YAMS will redirect Evo friendly URLs and URLs of the form index.php?id=... to the multilingual alias version of the URL for SEO friendliness. However, there may be occasions where it is preferable that YAMS accepts the old Evo form of the URL without redirection. This could occur when dealing with non-YAMS aware snippets and plugins.

    A comma separated list of document ids for which the standard Evo form of the URL will be accepted without redirection can be specified here. * can be used to represent all documents.

    Note that when using this option language information is lost from the URL and so a language cookie will be used to keep the document in the same language as the last page visited.

    3. Document Layout Settings

    Most of these settings require that ManagerManager is installed and that the YAMS specific rules are configured first.

    Name : Hide Redundant Fields

    Choices / Example :

    • Hide Fields
    • Show Fields

    Description : Whether or not to show or hide a) the document variables on multilingual documents and b) the multilingual alias fields when not using multilingual aliases. Once YAMS is set up it is not necessary to see the standard document variables because multilingual template variables are used instead. This feature requires the YAMS ManagerManager rules.

    Name : Document Layout

    Choices / Example :

    • Tabify TVs by Lang
    • List TVs

    Description : his can be used to place the multilingual template variables for each language on a separate tab. This feature requires the YAMS ManagerManager rules

    Name : Autoupdate Manager Document Title

    Choices / Example :

    • Yes
    • No

    Description : This automatically updates the document pagetitle field with the content of the default language pagetitle on multilingual documents when a document is saved.

    4. URL Formatting

    Name : Use Evo stripAlias

    Choices / Example :

    • Yes
    • No

    Description : Whether or not to use call the OnStripAlias event (or to call the stripAlias function on older versions of Evo) on multilingual aliases. The OnStripAlias event is normally pre-configured to convert the aliases to be lower-case, to include latin-characters only and to be dash-separated with no spaces, which used to be more search engine friendly.

    However, YAMS will correctly encode multibyte characters in aliases, so if you want to make use of that functionality then the Evo stripAlias functionality can be switched off here.

    Name : Use Mime-type dependent suffixes?

    Choices / Example :

    • Yes
    • No

    Description: Whether or not to use alias suffixes which are dependent on the document mime/content type. If yes, then friendly URL suffix becomes the default should no matching mime-type be found.

    The mapping between mime types and suffixes is defined within the yams.config.inc.php file. If necessary, this can be edited manually, but please take care and take a back up first, since an error here could break your YAMS installation

    Name : Site start filename

    Choices / Example :

    • Include filename
    • Don't include filename

    description : Whether or not to include the filename (alias) of the site_start document in URLs created using the yams_doc and yams_docr placeholders.

    Name : Containers as folders

    Choices / Example :

    • Rewrite as folders
    • Leave as files

    Description : The final document in an URL is normally considered to be a file and is formatted as {prefix}{alias}{suffix}. If this option is switched on then documents which are containers will instead be formatted as {_alias_}/

    Name : Confirm Language Param

    Choices / Example : eg: yams_lang

    Description : The name of the GET param that can be used to confirm to YAMS what the language of the current document should be. The mod_rewrite rules in the htaccess file normally set this automatically to the language group id based on the request URL.

    EasyLingual users don't user server name mode or root name mode. Instead this query parameter should be used to specify the document language. The query param should be tagged on to the end of every document URL using a placeholder.

    (The (yams_doc) and (yams_docr) placeholders can be used to create a full URL that is valid across all configurations.) EasyLingual usually employs lang as the name this param.

    The name of this GET param can be accessed using the (yams_confirm) placeholder.

    Name : Change Language Param

    Choices / Example : eg: yams_new_lang

    Description : The name of the GET or POST param that should be submitted when the user wants to stay on the same page but change language. This cannot have the same value as the query parameter used to confirm the current language. The value of the POST/GET should be set to the language group id.

    The name of this GET/POST param can be accessed using the (yams_change) placeholder.

    Name : Evo Subdirectory

    Choices / Example :eg: sub1/sub2

    If Evo is installed into/configured as active within a subdirectory, eg: http://www.example.com/sub1/sub2/index.php, then this parameter should be set to the subdirectory path: sub1/sub2 with no trailing or leading slash.

    In future versions of YAMS this parameter will probably be removed and determined automatically.

    Name : URL Conversion Mode

    Choices / Example :

    • None
    • Default
    • Resolve

    Description : Controls automatic conversion of standard Evo internal URLs to valid multilingual URLs. For example, a standard Evo internal URL might be expressed as [(site_url)]2.html which might resolve to http://www.example.com/doc-2-alias.html.

    Automatic URL conversion would replace this by a YAMS placeholder of the form (yams_doc:2) or (yams_docr:2), which will always resolve to an URL that points to the correct language version of the destination document. For example: http://www.example.com/en/doc-2-alias.html

    Currently YAMS will only convert URLs that are enclosed in double quotes (as is always the case with (X)HTML) and which are of the form [~something~] or [(site_url)][~something~] or [(base_url)][~something~]. The available options are:

    • None: Do not do any automatic URL conversion.

    • Default: Do standard URL conversion. The URL always resolves to the alias of the output document or weblink for the correct language.

    • Resolve: As default, but for weblinks the URL resolves to the destination URL rather than the weblink alias.

    5. Easylingual Compatibility

    This was originally included to help people using Easylingual try YAMS, but I don't think anyone is actually using (or has ever used!) this. For that reason, I will probably remove this feature from YAMS in a future version. Please contact me via the YAMS forums if you don't want me to do that.

    Name : Easylingual Compatibility Mode

    Choices / Example :

    • Yes
    • No

    Description : Whether or not to activate EasyLingual compatibility mode. In this mode, EasyLingual placeholders are accepted.