YAMS Language Flag List

    YAMS Language Flag List

    This is a user-contributed Extra. If you find issues or would like more info or help, please contact the author.

    How can I create a linked list of flags pointing to different language versions?

    Use a YAMS repeat call to loop over all languages and output the flag list:


    Here "otherFlagItemTpl" is a chunk that contains a linked flag image:

    <li class="yams_lang_(yams_id)">
      <a href="(yams_docr)" lang="(yams_tag)" xml:lang="(yams_tag)" dir="(yams_dir)" title="(yams_name_in_(yams_id+))">
        <img alt="(yams_name)" src="[(site_url)]assets/images/flags/(yams_id).png" />

    and "currentFlagItemTpl" is a chunk that contains an unlinked flag image:

    <li class="yams_lang_(yams_id) yams_current">
      <img alt="(yams_name)" src="[(site_url)]assets/images/flags/(yams_id).png" />

    Flag images with the filename format (yams_id).png should be placed in the directory "assets/images/flags/".