
    WebLoginPE: Плейсхолдеры

    Плейсхолдеры сниппета WebLoginPE.

    One of the things that makes WebLoginPE so easy to customize is the comprehensive set of placeholders that it provides for use in your custom views and templates.

    General Purpose Placeholders

    For areas such as login and profile editing where you would want to display information about the currently logged in user, there are placeholders set for each of the attributes stored in the database with their internalKey. These placeholders start with "user" and then the name of the database column.


    [+user.username+], [+user.fullname+], [+user.email+], [+user.aim+], [+user.website+], etc...

    View User Placeholders

    For areas such as the users page and view profile where you would want to display information about other web users, there are placeholders set for each of the attributes stored in the database with that user's internalKey. These placeholders start with "view" and then the name of the database column.


    [+view.username+], [+view.age+], [+view.country+], [+view.gender+], [+view.website+], etc...

    Form Placeholders

    When using the &inputHandler parameter, entire sections of a form are generated and put into placeholders that start with "form" and then the input's name attribute. These placeholders contain the label, select, options, radios, checkboxes, et al, so all you have to do is put the placeholder in the form where you would want the element to appear. There are two form placeholders that are generated by default


    [+form.country+] and [+form.gender+]

    Other Useful Placeholders

    WebLoginPE also generates a few other helpful placeholders that you can use in your forms and templates.


    [+tos+] The Terms of Service chunk.
    [+user.defaultphoto+] A pointer to the default user photo.
    [+request.userid+] The user ID for the Activation form.
    [+request.activationkey+] The activation key for the Activation form.
    [+form.captcha+] The captcha image for use with your registration form.