
    Author: mnoskov

    A module for creating a custom settings form.

    To get started, you need to rename the configuration files assets/modules/clientsettings/config/*.php.sample to *.php.

    Fields configuration is taken from *.php files in /assets/modules/clientsettings/config/ folder. Each file is a separate tab. This storage method makes it easy to modify and migrate the configuration.


    return [
        'caption' => 'Tab title',
        'introtext' => 'Tab description',
        'settings' => [
            'field_text' => [
                'caption' => 'Field title',
                'type'  => 'text',
                'note'  => 'Field description',
                'default_text' => 'Field default value',

    Field types are described here.

    In addition to standard fields, you can use the divider type to divide a list of fields into groups:

    'field_text' => [
        'caption' => 'Fields group title',
        'type'  => 'divider',